You should probably be using your phone less. Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Boy trapped for 40 minutes under avalanche miraculously survives
After being buried under an avalanche for 40 minutes, a 12-year-old boy has been found alive.
People are sending texts and making purchases while sleeping
Could you imagine texting your ex and buying something while fully asleep? People are doing both. Buzz60’s Natasha Abellard has the story.
Better bee-lieve it! Bees can count using only four brain cells
Bees actually solve clever counting tasks with just four brain cells! Buzz60’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has more.
These impressive animal dads go above and beyond for their offspring
We’re sure your dad jokes are great and all, but these animal dads are about to give you a master class in parenting.
Macaulay Culkin will change his name to this after fan poll
Actor Macaulay Culkin will be true to his word and legally change his middle name to a name of his fans’ choosing. Buzz60’s Justin Kircher has the details.
The internet is buzzing about these insane bee-auty shots
A wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey wants you to look at bees like you never have before.
Less social media use means no more FOMO
As if iPhone’s new “screen time” feature wasn’t enough, now science is telling us to put the phone down for our own wellbeing. Buzz60’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has more.
Couple forced to move wedding in 1 week due to shutdown
A couple had to re-plan their wedding in just seven days after President Trump’s shutdown of the government, shutdown the national park they were supposed to get married in.
New study suggests that time existed before the Big Bang
So a few scientists turned back the clock all the way back to the Big Bang…