
WH: Trump’s Take On Immigration ‘Colorblind’

WH Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended President Trump’s use of vulgarity when referring to immigrants from Haiti and African countries last week, calling his policy ‘colorblind’ because it stands for a merit-based immigration system. (Jan. 16)


AP Top Stories 16 P

Here’s the latest for Tuesday, January 16th: White House physician says Trump’s health is excellent; President says he wants immigrants from “everywhere;” Tillerson meets with top diplomats to discuss North Korea; Icy conditions grip southern U.S.


Rams, Chargers Show Off Progress of New Stadium

The Los Angeles Rams and Chargers have shown off their future new home rising from a very deep hole in suburban Los Angeles. The teams Wednesday gave news media a hard-hat tour of the construction site about 10 miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. …